About Us

    Petrotec L.L.C,  A multi-disciplined comany based out of Qatar, that is committed to supplying absorbents that can provide some of the best recovery rates and be environmentally responsible in it’s disposal. 


    Upsorb(R) is a bio-degradable absorbent manufactured in the UAE by Petrotec, that has very rapid absorption rates allows itself to be deployed in some of the shortest times and is recoverable and leaves a very small carbon footprint it’s wake.

    Being an ISO certified company we also ensure that we provide accountability to our clients so that our products and services have reliability and consistency over time.


    The prime factor in an oil or any spill response system is the rapidity that we can respond to the emergency. The Upsorb(R) system addresses that very need with one of the fastest reponses to containment and does so...


    Our Services

    Providing an Emergency Response Container that allows the deployment of 800 to 900 meters of boom at 400 meters an one hour Spill Control Kits as permanent fixtures or portable kits for site and EHS applications - providing kits to the customers requirements. Individual...


    The Upsorb System

    The time factor !

    Every one working with spill control & recovery, knows how important it is to fence in an oil spill as quick as possible. Having access to an Upsorb(R) System enables immediate action. You only need...